First Steps Hosting


Step 1 is to actually get this site up on, rather than just sitting here on localhost. I'm using a static site generator called Zola, which, as it turns out, is a little annoying to get going on Ubuntu.

Backing up a little, here's my current setup:

  • I am currently writing these posts on my desktop computer, which is running Arch Linux. Installing zola here was as simple as sudo pacman -S zola.
  • I rented the absolute cheapest $3.50-per-month VPS from RamNode, which is a hosting provider I've used before and which in my experience has great customer service.
  • Since it's the absolute cheapest VPS, it runs on a shared kernel, which means I can't install my own OS and so I have an Ubuntu server VM.
  • The source code from the site is currently in a private repository on my personal github (i.e. the one tied to my real name). I'll move that eventually to something I can be more open about. The VPS has a "deploy key" (which means read-only) access to that repository.

Zola does not distribute a package in the default apt repositories. I briefly tried installing the flatpak but ran into permissions errors that I didn't feel like resolving. I've settled on docker for now.

sudo apt install git
git clone[redacted]/

sudo apt install
sudo usermod -aG docker xylem

docker pull

Yes, I know that giving my user access to run docker commands unprivileged gives them root access. My user already has sudo privileges.

Just to get something up there, I followed this guide and created the following:


# dockerfile
FROM as zola

COPY . /project
WORKDIR /project
RUN ["zola", "build"]

COPY --from=zola /project/public /public



docker build -t .

# something else was already on 80, gotta look into that
docker run --rm -p 8000:80

It turns out there was an apache2 process running by default (weird), so after I stopped that and disabled its systemd service I could run on port 80. I'll likely use something like nginx or apache eventually, especially once I need SSL termination.

Since my deployment is a bash script that runs a docker container for now, I stuck it in a tmux session to run in the background. Figuring out a continuous integration/deployment methodology is definitely on my TODO list. My ideal is for a script to be triggered by a push to the source repository which would pull the changes and rebuild the site.