Website TODO


I expect this will be somewhat of a living document as I check items off and get more ideas. I may also add notes on how I do things, if they're not significant or interesting enough to deserve their own post.

CSS Styling

My goal with styling the site is to start very simple and build up over time. While I know some HTML at least, I know zero CSS. To begin with I'm borrowing heavily from James G's lovely blog because I like how simple but effective his styling is.

  • 2024-07-04 Added basic colors and width definitions.

SSL and Better Hosting

The site is currently served from the static-web-server container. This is sufficient for now, but I will likely want something a little more capable in the future. Now that I actually read their site, though, it may work for me longer than I thought. It does support TLS, at least.

Here's a tentative architecture, using docker containers:

  • "build/maintain" container with zola, certbot, git, and chron installed, and chrontab entries to:
    • Periodically poll the git remote, pull down any changes, and run zola build
    • Update the SSL certificates using certbot
  • "server" container with static-web-server (or something like nginx in the future

The "build/maintain" container would be custom. I looked into options like linuxserver/swag but I'm not really looking for a reverse proxy solution, just a server.

The server container can stay as static-web-server for now, especially because nginx is giving me weird vibes - I seem to remember they got bought or something recently.